"thumbs up!....
Houdini meets Night of the Living Dead"


a new web series, by Adam Steinfeld

supernatural, horror elements, mixed with historical adventures
"Adam, as a fellow Houdini-nut, I'm impressed with your inventiveness". - HGL
Godfather of Gore,
director, Herschell Gordon Lewis,
(Blood Feast, 2,000 Maniacs)
"Yo Houdini is weird, but in the best kind of way, combining things nobody else would have ever thought of, with different shooting styles."
-Dave Royce - Horror Cabin
read more about it, press on Yo Houdini!

new article, posted today,
by horror expert, Dave Royce, of Horror Cabin
You Can't Escape From, YO HOUDINI
August 16, 2015
LINK, full story
article in Wild about Harry (Houdini blog)
Magician Adam Steinfeld is back with the third installment of his Houdini-horror web series, YO HOUDINI!
notable quotes
"Yo Houdini" is weird, but in the best kind of way, combining things nobody else would have ever thought of with different shooting styles."
"With three episodes already in the bag, producer, writer, and creator, Adam Steinfeld, has many more ideas for the "Yo Houdini" series. Trust me, with this awesome out of the box thinking, and taking a risk to put pieces together that would seem not to fit, this series, has a chance to grow, by leaps and bounds.
-Dave Royce - Horror House
episode 3, "I Am ALIVE!" of my Yo Houdini series,
is complete, I just finished editing last week, it sets a much darker, scarier tone, very happy with my final edit.
I'll be entering it, in a few upcoming film-festivals, it's not posted yet, more news later.
genre: 1st person/super natural/horror/ghost story