"thumbs up!....
Houdini meets Night of the Living Dead"


a new web series, by Adam Steinfeld

supernatural, horror elements, mixed with historical adventures
"Adam, as a fellow Houdini-nut, I'm impressed with your inventiveness". - HGL
Godfather of Gore,
director, Herschell Gordon Lewis,
(Blood Feast, 2,000 Maniacs)
"Yo Houdini is weird, but in the best kind of way, combining things nobody else would have ever thought of, with different shooting styles."
-Dave Royce - Horror Cabin
episode 2, Death Grip
(genre; horror elements, mixed with historical adventures)
Houdini always said, he'll be back, but this time it's true, set at Houdini's creepy abandon cemetery, Houdini seems to be alive and well, in 2015? Could it be?
This 2min short, second in a series titled; Yo Houdini, by filmmaker, Adam Steinfeld, set to a poem by pulitzer-prize winning writer, MacKinlay Kantor.