"thumbs up!....
Houdini meets Night of the Living Dead"


a new web series, by Adam Steinfeld

supernatural, horror elements, mixed with historical adventures
"Adam, as a fellow Houdini-nut, I'm impressed with your inventiveness". - HGL
Godfather of Gore,
director, Herschell Gordon Lewis,
(Blood Feast, 2,000 Maniacs)
"Yo Houdini is weird, but in the best kind of way, combining things nobody else would have ever thought of, with different shooting styles."
-Dave Royce - Horror Cabin
YO HOUDINI!, a new series by, Adam Steinfeld
a first-person P.O.V. series,
horror elements, mixed with historical adventures
quotes: "Crazy video! For some reason I like it. Houdini meets Night of the living dead."
Houdini POEM, written in 1926, (2 days after Houdini's death),
by Pulitzer Prize winning author, MacKinlay Kantor.
(used by permission, of Kantor estate)
directors note:
Houdini's mother, is an entity or ghost in the iPhone, speaks in her native language; Yiddish or German, she's saying; "wo bist du?", this translates: "Where are you?" She also calls Houdini, by his real first name, Eric.
a new series by: Adam Steinfeld
running time: each episode under 2min
genre: first-person, P.O.V. series / horror elements, mixed with historical adventures
series producer: Adam Steinfeld
writer/director/editor: Adam Steinfeld
Camera: GuyNamedLindsey
Houdini's Mom: Judith Claire
Music/Effects: Pond5
Voice Talent Rapper: Marc Van Ommen
Voice Talent Houdini: Zoltan Sipos
Houdini Consultant: John Cox
Special Thanks: Kino Lorber, Inc.
Houdini Death poem, written by: MacKinlay Kantor, used by permission.
"Yo Houdini" is a trademark, of; Adam Steinfeld
copyright, MMXIII, MMXV Adam Steinfeld